Open a PASCO experiment file
Collect data using SPARKvue experiment files designed by the PASCO curriculum team.
Open the PASCO Experiments file browser:
On the Welcome Screen, select Open PASCO Experiment.
On the Experiment Screen, select Main Menu
and select Experiments.
Select an experiment file, then click OK.
- Essential Chemistry
This directory contains files designed for the Essential Chemistry lab manual. You can download worksheets for each lab for free from the PASCO Experiment Library.
- Essential Physics
This directory contains files designed for the Essential Physics lab manual. You can download worksheets for each lab for free from the PASCO Experiment Library.
- Quick Start Labs
This directory contains files configured for specific PASCO sensors, but not necessarily associated with any written lab activities. Connect a sensor using the Sensor Data path from the Welcome Screen to select files designed for that sensor.
- SPARKlabs
Files contained in the main directory are complete labs containing data collection steps and analysis questions. These files don't have a corresponding print worksheet.
Click Start
to begin collecting data.
See the Experiment Screen page for additional information on how to use the tools on the screen.