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Student assignments

Essential Physics contains over a hundred fully editable two-to-six page student assignments, which can be accessed from the cream-colored wrap-around on each page of the Teacher's Edition. These assignments cover 100% of the course's core content and include questions, discussion prompts, graph paper, data tables, and procedures. All lessons and investigations have associated assignments. These assignments are coordinated with slides, interactive simulations, and interactive equations.

Most student answer sheets consist of fillable PDF forms that students can electronically complete and turn in. The blue boxes in empty student PDF assignments are answer spaces and will not be printed unless content is entered into them. The assignments are also available in .docx and Google Slides formats.


The Google Slides are created by converting Word assignment pages to PDF, exporting each PDF page as an image, and adding each page image as a slide background image. Text boxes are overlayed onto these background images.