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Physics Academy

PASCO's Physics Academy supports a selection of Essential Physics laboratory investigations by providing additional digital resources. Physics Academy topics range from constant acceleration to power and energy consumption investigations. The Academy provides access to a collection of topical science videos that make key experiments accessible to substitute teachers, new science educators, and even students learning from home.

You can access the Physics Academy from by selecting Academy in the Essential Physics column, as shown below.

PASCO Academy Physics

Resources available through the Physics Academy include:

  • Data collection videos for students

    In these student-oriented videos, the presenters work through an Essential Physics lab investigation as lab partners. The presenters discuss concepts related to the investigation and model proper safety procedures and lab techniques throughout the investigation. The presenters also explain how to use any relevant sensors and SPARKvue data collection and analysis tools.

  • Teacher preparation videos

    These brief teacher-oriented videos provide a summary of the concepts and procedures for the associated investigation.

  • Student follow-up videos

    These student-oriented videos should be shared with students after they have submitted their work, as they go over answers to some of the questions in the lab report.

  • Student lab handouts

    These handouts may occasionally differ from those found in the digital Teacher's Edition of Essential Physics, but the concepts explored will be the same.

  • SPARKvue files with recorded data

    These files contain the same data collected in the student videos. Students can analyze the data on their own, as if they had collected the data themselves.

  • Answer keys

    The PASCO Academy version of the answer keys will differ slightly from those provided in the digital Teacher's Edition of Essential Physics, since the Academy answer keys have been updated to match the data collected in the provided SPARKvue sample data file.