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Self-grading quiz

Each section of the Essential Physics eBook includes a self-grading assessment called a "quiz". The values in these problems, and thus the answers, randomly change with each new quiz. Therefore, no two students will ever get the exact same quiz. These quizzes are found at the end of section review pages, as shown below.

Upon selecting the Take a Quiz button (outlined in red above), the eBook will generate a five-question quiz related to the section's content in a new window. Students can generate a new quiz with different randomized questions and values by selecting the New button at the top of the quiz window, as shown below.

Once students have answered all questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers, students can click "Score" to receive a grade on their attempt. When the Score button is clicked, hints will be given for any incorrectly answered questions. Students may attempt the quiz as many times as they want, but the number of attempts is counted by the program.

The Show solution button can be used to reveal the detailed mathematical solutions, including correct units, for all answers in the current version of the quiz. Selecting this button will prevent the student from changing their answers. From here, students can click the New button to generate a new five-question quiz, resetting the number of attempts to 0.

Students may keep trying new quizzes and looking at solutions until they are able to get 100% with only one scoring attempt. Students can also print the generated quizzes on paper or print them to PDF files by clicking the Print button.