Chapter review problems
Review problems
In total, Essential Physics includes more than 2,000 review problems at the end of its chapters. You can access the chapter review problems for the current chapter at any time by selecting the Problems icon from the page navigation bar.
Problems are included in four difficulty levels, indicated by the inclusion of zero to three chili pepper icons. The more chilis a problem has, the more difficult that question typically is. Three-chili problems are the most advanced and often challenge students to make connections among previously learned concepts, newly learned concepts, and novel scenarios.
- Zero chilis: Easy problems requiring few or no calculations.
- One chili: Moderate problems, usually requiring at least some math.
- Two chilis: Slightly advanced problems, typically requiring more math than a one chili problem.
- Three chilis: Advanced problems, often requiring multiple equations and multiple steps, with more than one unknown variable.
Problem solutions
Solutions to the chapter review problems appear in the digital Teacher's Edition, each on the same page as the corresponding problem. The cream-colored wrap-around areas of the page contain short answers to questions and problems. Where applicable, extended answers and full mathematical solutions to more detailed problems are placed directly underneath the associated problems. The blurred sections of the image below show where answers can be found within a typical Teacher's Edition chapter review page.