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Graph page

Identify key elements of the graph page.

  1. Displayed Measurement and Displayed Units buttons

    Select the larger buttons to view a list of available measurements, then select one to assign that measurement to the associated axis. Where applicable, select the smaller buttons to choose the units for the selected measurements.


    The Time and Index measurements are only available on the x-axis.

  2. Graph plot area

    Data for the selected measurements will be displayed here once data collection begins.

  3. Legend

    The names of runs will appear here as they are collected. Check the box next to a run's name to make it visible on the graph; uncheck that box to hide that run again. The currently selected run of data is indicated by a box around its symbol on the legend.

  4. Graph tools

    • Scale to Fit : Automatically rescales the graph to fit the collected data or a subset of the data.
    • Data Highlighter : Lets you select and drag over a specific area of the plotted data to define an area to be analyzed.
    • Coordinates : Creates a data target which can be placed on a data point to display its coordinates.
    • Slope : Creates a line that is tangent to a selected point.
    • Statistics : Creates a text box listing various statistics about the current run or a selected region of the run.
    • Curve Fit : Create a best fit curve for a region of data.
    • Annotate Graph : Add an editable text box to the graph.
    • Add y-axis : Add a new y-axis to the graph.
    • Keep y-axes Aligned : When enabled while two or more y-axes are displayed, sets all y-axes to the same vertical position and forces them to all use the same scaling. While this tool is enabled, rescaling one y-axis will also rescale all other y-axes equally.
    • Graph Settings : Opens a settings menu where you can control various settings of the graph, such as the visibility of error bars.
  5. Start button

    Select to begin recording data. While recording data, the Start button is replaced with the Stop button, which can be selected to end data recording. The timer to the right of the button shows the amount of time elapsed since data recording began.

  6. Sampling Options

    Opens the Sample Options menu, allowing you to adjust the sample rate and set up manual sampling.

  7. Delete Run

    Deletes the most recently collected run of data.

  8. Manage Runs

    Opens the Run Management menu, from which you can rename or delete collected runs of data.

  9. Calculator

    Opens the Calculator window, from which you can create and edit calculations and user-defined variables.

Table and graph page

All of the elements of the graph page are also present on the table and graph page. The image below shows the relative locations of these elements, where each number corresponds to the same element as in the list above.

Graph and table page