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Melting Point Module overview

Identify the key functions of each page of the Melting Point Module.

The Melting Point Module is designed to be used with the Wireless Melting Point Apparatus (PS-3239). To access this module, connect a Wireless Melting Point Apparatus to Chemvue or select "Melting Point Experiment" under New in the main menu. The module consists of three pages: the profile page, the graph page, and the full-screen image page.

  1. Main Menu

    Contains the same options as the General Data Collection Module's main menu.

  2. Profile page

    Select to switch to the profile page.

  3. Graph page

    Select to switch to the graph page.

  4. Full-screen image page

    Select to switch to the full-screen image page.

  5. Export Page Image

    Select to export a PNG image of the current display, including all displayed data.

  6. Wireless Devices

    Use to connect a Wireless Melting Point Apparatus to Chemvue.

  7. Connection Status

    Displays a Connected symbol when the Melting Point Apparatus is properly connected to and communicating with Chemvue. Displays a Disconnected symbol when no Melting Point Apparatus is connected, or when a connection error occurs.

Profile page

  1. Device name

    Lists the name of the Melting Point Apparatus currently connected to Chemvue.

  2. Measurement tools

    Allows you to access the Edit Data Properties menu for the temperature measurement.

  3. Select Profile Template

    Select to choose a profile template from the list of preconfigured options. Selecting an option will automatically replace the current profile with the selected template.

  4. Select Camera

    Select to choose a camera for the image capture display from the list of connected cameras.

  5. Cooldown button

    Select to turn on the fan inside the Melting Point Apparatus, rapidly cooling the heating block.

  6. Calibrate button

    Select to begin calibration of the Melting Point Apparatus's temperature measurement. Note that this process takes at least 10 minutes to complete and in some cases may require up to an hour.

  7. Profile steps and properties

    Lists all steps in the heating profile in the order in which they will occur. Select a step to access customizable step properties. Enter values for these properties in the box below the step description.

    The profile includes the following options for steps:

    • Quick Ramp: Changes the block temperature to the specified Temperature value as quickly as possible.
    • Ramp: Changes the block temperature to the specified Temperature value over the specified Time.
    • Hold: Keeps the block temperature constant at the most recent value for the specified Time.
    • Prompt: Pauses the profile until you select OK in a dialog box.
    • Start Image Capture: Begins taking a sequence of images once per specified Image capture interval.
    • Stop Image Capture: Stops the program from capturing additional images.
  8. Profile display

    Shows a visual representation of the currently entered melting point profile. While data is being collected, this display also shows which step of the profile is currently being executed.

  9. Temperature measurement

    The Melting Point Apparatus's temperature measurement is displayed here at all times.

  10. Image capture display

    If a camera is selected, a preview of the camera's view will be displayed here during data collection. The top left corner of this display features the Camera Properties tool. Select this tool to open the Camera Properties menu, where you can control features such as the frame rate, brightness, contrast, and sharpness of the images.

  11. Light Level slider

    Slide to adjust the brightness of the light inside the Melting Point Apparatus.

  12. Mode control

    Use these buttons to switch between Recording Mode , in which you can record new runs, and Playback Mode , in which you can view recordings of previous runs.

  13. Start

    Select to begin data recording. Select Stop to end data recording and keep the displayed data.

  14. Sample Rate

    Select the left or right arrow buttons to decrease or increase the rate at which temperature measurements are taken.

  15. Delete Last Run

    Select to delete the most recently collected run of data.

  16. Manage Runs

    Opens the Run Management window, from which you can rename, delete, or change the color of collected runs of data.

Graph page

  1. Current step

    During data collection, displays which step in the profile is currently being executed.

  2. Measurement tools

    Allows you to access the Edit Data Properties menu for the selected measurement. The box on the x-axis also allows you to switch the measurement between Index, Time, and Temperature.

  3. Graph display

    Temperature data collected during the experiment will be displayed here.

  4. Legend

    The names of runs will appear here as they are collected. Check the box next to a run's name to make it visible on the graph; uncheck that box to hide that run again. The currently selected run of data is indicated by a box around its symbol on the legend.

  5. Graph toolbar

    Contains a variety of tools which can be used to control the graph display.

    • Scale to Fit : Automatically scale the axes so that all data is visible in the graph display.
    • Enable Data Range Selection : Add a highlighter tool to the graph, allowing you to highlight a group of data points to analyze, such as when performing a linear fit. Select and drag the handles on the selection box to choose the range of data you want to analyze. You can also use this tool to zoom in on a selection of data by selecting Scale to Fit after highlighting that selection.
    • Coordinates : Add a coordinate data target to the graph. Drag the data target to a point on the curve to view the coordinates of that point.
    • Statistics : Create a text box listing various statistics about a current run or a selected region of the run.
    • Curve Fit : Create a best fit curve for a region of data.
    • Annotate Graph : Add a note to the graph. The note can be attached to a data point by dragging the tool to that point.
    • Graph Settings : Opens a settings menu where you can enable or disable error bars.
  6. Temperature measurement

    The Melting Point Apparatus's temperature measurement is displayed here at all times.

  7. Image capture display

    If a camera is selected, a preview of the camera's view will be displayed here during data collection. The top left corner of this display features the Camera Properties tool. Select this tool to open the Camera Properties menu, where you can control features such as the frame rate, brightness, contrast, and sharpness of the images.

  8. Mode control

    Use these buttons to switch between Recording Mode , in which you can record new runs, and Playback Mode , in which you can view recordings of previous runs.

  9. Start

    Select to begin data recording. Select Stop to end data recording and keep the displayed data.

  10. Sample Rate

    Select the left or right arrow buttons to decrease or increase the rate at which temperature measurements are taken.

  11. Delete Last Run

    Select to delete the most recently collected run of data.

  12. Manage Runs

    Opens the Run Management window, from which you can rename, delete, or change the color of collected runs of data.

Full-screen image page

  1. Current step

    During data collection, displays which step in the profile is currently being executed.

  2. Measurement tools

    Allows you to access the Measurement Properties menu for the temperature measurement.

  3. Camera Properties

    Select to open the Camera Properties menu, where you can control features such as the frame rate, brightness, contrast, and sharpness of the images.

  4. Temperature measurement

    The Melting Point Apparatus's temperature measurement is displayed here at all times.

  5. Image capture display

    If a camera is selected, a preview of the camera's view will be displayed here during data collection.

  6. Mode control

    Use these buttons to switch between Recording Mode , in which you can record new runs, and Playback Mode , in which you can view recordings of previous runs.

  7. Start

    Select to begin data recording. While data is being collected, select Stop to end data recording and keep the displayed data.

  8. Sample Rate

    Select the left or right arrow buttons to decrease or increase the rate at which temperature measurements are taken.

  9. Delete Last Run

    Select to delete the most recently collected run of data.

  10. Manage Runs

    Opens the Run Management window, from which you can rename, delete, or change the color of collected runs of data.

Video controls

Once you have recorded at least one run of data with a connected camera, you will be able to play back a recording of the images captured in that run using Playback Mode . As the image sequence is played back, the temperature display will become synchronized to it and replay the temperature values from throughout the run, as recorded on the graph page. In this mode, the Start, Sample Rate, Delete Last Run, and Manage Runs buttons disappear, and the following controls appear and can be used to control the playback.

  1. Run selector

    Use to switch between captured runs of data. Only runs which include video content will be listed here.

  2. Time slider

    Select and drag the circle to scroll through the recorded images.

  3. First Image

    While paused, select to jump back to the first recorded image.

  4. Previous Image

    While paused, select to jump to the previous recorded image.

  5. Play and Pause

    Press Play to begin playing the recorded images. Press Pause to pause the playback.

  6. Next Image

    While paused, select to jump to the next recorded image.

  7. Final Image

    While paused, select to jump to the final recorded image.

  8. Loop

    When enabled, this tool causes the recorded sequence to restart from the beginning upon reaching the end.

  9. Playback Speed

    Select to change the rate at which the image sequence plays back.