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About Chemvue modules

Access the various specialized modules within Chemvue.


The four pages which are accessible when Chemvue is first launched- the live data page, the table page, the graph page, and the table and graph page- collectively make up the General Data Collection Module. These pages and their associated tools are useful for a wide range of applications and experiments and are accessible by default even when no sensor is connected.

However, Chemvue also contains a selection of additional modules, which contain specialized pages and tools not available in the General Data Collection Module. These modules are useful when performing experiments which cannot be easily represented with graph, table, or live data displays, or which require additional specialized controls, such as spectrometry experiments.

Accessing modules

All modules in Chemvue (other than the General Data Collection Module) can be accessed in one of two ways. The simplest method to access a module is to simply connect a sensor compatible with that module to Chemvue. If you connect the sensor to a new, unedited experiment file containing no data, the program will automatically switch to the appropriate module for the sensor. If you connect the sensor to an existing experiment file, you will be prompted to save any unsaved changes, or prompted whether or not to switch modules if there are no unsaved changes. If you accept, the program will open a new experiment file with the appropriate module active and the sensor connected.

Alternatively, you can use the Main Menu to create a new file with a specific module already active. When the New option is selected, a submenu will appear with a list of modules available in Chemvue. Select an option from this submenu to create a new blank experiment file with the selected module active.

Create new experiment menu

List of Chemvue modules

The following table contains a list of modules, as well as the PASCO sensors which are compatible with each module.

Module Compatible sensors
Spectrometry Module Wireless Spectrometer (Vis) (PS-2600A); UV-Vis Spectrometer (SE-3607)
Melting Point Module Wireless Melting Point Apparatus (PS-3239)