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Change the numerical format

Change the number of decimal places shown by a display tool while analyzing data.

  1. In any page, select a Displayed Measurement button and select the measurement for which you will be changing the numerical format.
  2. Select the same Displayed Measurement button again and select Data Properties.

    Data Properties

  3. In the Data Properties menu, select Number Format to expand the section and access the numerical format options.

    Number Format submenu

  4. When you are finished making adjustments, select OK.

From the Number Format submenu, you can make changes to any of the following aspects of a measurement's numerical format:

  • Number Style

    Controls whether the measurement is displayed as fixed decimals, in scientific notation, or using significant figures.

  • Number of Decimal Places

    Controls how many digits appear after the decimal point in each number. (Only visible if Fixed Decimals is selected for Number Style)

  • Number of Significant Figures

    Controls how many significant figures are included in each number. (Only visible if Significant Figures or Scientific Notation is selected for Number Style)

  • Apply Scientific Notation Thresholds

    Determines whether or not Chemvue automatically converts values above or below a certain range into scientific notation. Note that the two text boxes below are disabled if this box is not checked.

    • Lower Exponent Threshold

      The measurement will switch to scientific notation if the value falls below 10 to the power of this number.

    • Upper Exponent Threshold

      The measurement will switch to scientific notation if the value rises above 10 to the power of this number.