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Calibrate a temperature sensor

Improve the accuracy of a temperature sensor by calibrating the measurement.

The following procedures will allow you to calibrate any dedicated PASCO temperature sensor which can connect to Chemvue, including the Wireless Temperature Sensor (PS-3201), Wireless Temperature Link (PS-3222), and PASPORT Temperature Sensor (PS-2125).

Required supplies

Calibrating a temperature sensor will require the following components:

  • An ice water bath
  • A container of hot water
  • A thermometer


  1. Connect the temperature sensor to Chemvue.
  2. From any page, select a Displayed Measurement button and select "Temperature" from the list.
  3. Select the same Displayed Measurement button again and select Calibrate.

    Open Calibration Window

  4. Select Two Standards (2 point) from the dropdown list, then select Next.

    Two Standards (2 point)

  5. Place the temperature sensor and thermometer into the container of hot water. Wait for both the temperature reading (listed next to Sensor Value) and the thermometer measurement to stabilize before proceeding.

  6. Using the thermometer, determine the temperature of the hot water. Enter this value into the Standard Value box, then select Set Current Value to Standard Value.

    High Temperature Standard

  7. Remove the thermometer and temperature sensor from the hot water container, wipe them dry, and place them in the ice water bath. Wait for the temperature reading and thermometer measurement to stabilize before proceeding.

  8. Using the thermometer, determine the temperature of the ice water. Enter this value into the new Standard Value box, then select Set Current Value to Standard Value.

    Low Temperature Standard

  9. Review your new calibration, then select Apply.

    New calibration