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Collect, visualize, and analyze data

Collect and analyze data from the graph page.

Collect data

Record a run of data and view the results on a graph.

  1. Connect a sensor to Chemvue.
  2. Navigate to the graph page by selecting the Graph icon from the Navigation bar at the top of the page.

    Graph page

  3. The default measurement for the connected sensor will already be assigned to the y-axis of the graph, with an appropriate baseline measurement (usually time) assigned to the x-axis. If you desire another configuration, select the button containing the name of the measurement on each axis and choose an appropriate measurement from the list. Note that the Time and Index measurements are only selectable on the x-axis, and that not all sensors have alternate measurements.


    If desired and applicable, you can also select the small button next to each displayed measurement's name to change the units for the selected measurement.

  4. When you are ready, select Start to begin recording data.

  5. Take any desired readings using your chosen sensor. All measurements recorded by the sensor will automatically be displayed and recorded by Chemvue.
  6. When you are finished, end data collection by selecting Stop .

A display of sample graph data is shown below.

Sample graph data

You may drag the plot area to move the visible area of the graph. To scale the graph so that all displayed data is visible on screen at once, select the Scale to Fit tool in the Graph toolbar at left.

Change the units of the Time axis

  1. Select the small (s) box to the right of the Time measurement box on the x-axis.
  2. From the list of time measurement options, select the one which is most useful for your experiment. This will automatically set the graph's x-axis to measure time in this unit.

    Change time units

Add a note

  1. Select an individual data point on the run. A pair of tool icons will appear near the point.

    Point select tools

  2. Select the Annotation tool to open the Edit Note dialog box.

  3. Enter your desired text and click OK to create a new annotation attached to the selected point. If you do not enter any text, the note will say "Enter a note" by default.
  4. To edit the annotation after creation, select the annotation and then select the Edit Annotation tool. When you have edited your text as desired, click OK again to close the dialog box.

Find data coordinates

Determine the coordinates of a data point and the difference between two data points.

  1. Select the data point you wish to analyze, then select the floating Coordinates tool. A text box displaying the point's coordinates will appear, attached to a data target.

    Coordinates tool in use

  2. Select the coordinates box, then select the Delta tool which appears. A second data target will appear on the graph, attached to a different data point.

  3. Move the second coordinates data target to a new location by dragging it to the desired point, or by using the Previous Point and Next Point buttons to shift the data target to the next point to the left or right respectively.

The purpose of the Delta tool is to determine the difference between the two points. When the points are positioned, boxes showing the difference in the y measurement (in this case temperature) and the difference in the x measurement (in this case time) will appear on the graph, as shown below.

Delta tool in use

Collect a second run

Record a second run and compare it to the first.

  1. Select Start again to begin recording a second run of data. The first run will automatically be hidden.
  2. Take any desired readings using the Wireless Temperature Sensor.
  3. When you are finished, end data collection by selecting Stop .
  4. To make the first run visible again, check the box next to Run 1 on the legend.

Both runs will now be visible on the Graph display simultaneously and can be compared to one another.

Fit a line to the data

  1. Identify a region on one of your plots of data where the temperature is increasing or decreasing at close to a constant rate. Set the plot containing this segment as the only visible run.
  2. From the graph toolbar on the right, select the Highlighter tool.
  3. Select and drag across the section of the display containing the linear segment to highlight that region.


    Do not highlight any other areas of the data during this section. If you accidentally include undesired points in your data, you may select and drag the highlighter so it no longer overlaps with these points, or change the size of the highlighter by dragging the blue circles in the corners of the highlighter.

  4. Select the Fit Curve to Data tool and choose Linear Fit from the list of options. A best fit line for the highlighted region will appear on the Graph display.

Save the data

Save your experiment file to share with others.

  1. Select the Main Menu icon in the top left.
  2. Select Save as from the list of options.
  3. Enter a name for your file, choose a file location for it, and select Save.