Upload code to the //control.Node
Upload code to the //control.Node (PS-3232) so that it can run independently from a computing device.
Uploading code is sometimes necessary for programs that require smooth operation, since Bluetooth can experience small delays when sending code instructions.
It is not possible to download uploaded code from the //control.Node. Be sure to save all programs in a SPARKvue or Capstone file to prevent losing your code.
Upload toolbar
Use the toolbar located at the top right of the Code tool to upload, run, and delete code from the //control.Node:
Select //control.Node
Use this tool to select which //control.Node you want to manage when more than one //control.Node is connected.
Upload code
Click to upload code to the //control.Node. The //control.Node beeps twice to confirm that the code has been uploaded.
Run code
Click to run the code uploaded to the //control.Node. Click again to stop the code from running.
Delete code
Click to delete the code previously uploaded to the //control.Node. The //control.Node beeps twice to confirm that the code has been deleted.
Running uploaded code
There are three ways to start and stop uploaded code:
- Click Run Code
in the Code tool.
- Press the //control.Node power button.
Use the uploaded code block in a program:
Reading sensor data
While the //control.Node is running uploaded code, it can send sensor data back to the software. You can also disconnect and connect the //control.Node to the software while it is running uploaded code without interruption. This can be useful if you want to record data from the //control.Node on multiple devices.
Before recording data, make sure to disable code execution in the Code tool to avoid code in the software interfering with the uploaded code.